Frequently Asked Questions

Nope. We are community driven private membership association and trust where families organize, combine resources and collaborate towards providing extra-ordinary learning experiences and environments for their kids.

The collective is operated as a private not-for-profit membership association. A board of trustees made up of parents, teachers and staff facilitates the vetting, hiring and scheduling of a manager and other big picture logistics. 

Membership Dues

  • We are currently operating on Weds from 10-3 with membership dues being $66 per day of attendance.

The project based learning will organically incorporate math, writing, reading, history, researching, self-direction, evaluation and organization.

Other offerings have included (and may be available again) rock climbing, marine biology, various field trips, overnight camping excursions, civics, improv, martial arts, rafting, anatomy and physiology, sexual literacy, cyber civics, PE, woodworking and wilderness skills.

How and what this collective covers will be determined by the participants.

We currently have secured a large Maker Space in Novato perfect for project based learning featuring all the tools, materials and facilities necessary for wood working, electronics, sewing and textiles, laser cutting and engraving, silk screening, metal work, etc. 

Field trips out into the world have been and can be organized as we wish.