A flow state (AKA being the “zone”), is the mental state in which a person engaging in an activity is fully immersed in a feeling of energized focus, full involvement, and enjoyment in the activity. In essence, flow is characterized by the complete absorption and satisfaction in what one is doing.
Flow state pre-requisites include:
Curiosity and passion
Clear goals
Total concentration
Immediate feedback
Manageable Risk
Deep immersion
The right balance of challenge and ability
Timelessness: Flow changes the perception of time. Past and future disappear when you enter the now
Practiced Ease: Often referred to as “effortless efforting” where action and awareness merge during a flow experience. Movements become almost automatic.
Intrinsic motivation: The purpose of the activity is the activity itself. The work done in the flow state becomes a reward in itself.
Disappearing sense of self: The inner critic, the voices of doubt, are silenced.
Control: A feeling of having an adaptable grip on a situation.